I''ve been very much MIA lately due to exams at school and holiday prep. My temptation to internet procrastinate is pretttttty strong so sometimes it's just best to stay away. Anyway, stumbled upon this last week. The video pretty much says it all. A uni friend also told me about a similar experience she had whilst on a wellness retreat and a lady there had saved a hamburger for around 8 years. Same thing happened, no disintegration, no mould, pretty much amazing condition. Im sure (would hope) Mcdonalds still isn't using the same process of preservatives that were used 14 years ago- and this was in the USA where everything is a little different. However, regardless of that unknown, Im keen to stay very much well away from this after this story.
Today I went to a wet lab. A wet lab is a place where you can examine cadavers. A cadaver is a dead body donated to science typically intended for human dissection. This is was all part of my human biology course.
So just an average, light Monday afternoon.
I really was not too keen on going due to how squirmy I get from a gorey YouTube. However I managed the whole two hours.
The whole experience forces you to face your own mortality. Nothing else quite achieves that then holding a human heart. Knowing that it beat year after year, keeping one person of six billion alive.
Or a brain - this small mushy organ that once held somebody's personality, experience and memories.
All of it, in my hot nervous little hands! It's a rather confronting thought to know we all look the same underneath. Well most of us. Hopefully. Especially when societies all about image and how great and attractive we can present ourselves but I'd argue that the real magic's underneath.
All the cells, tendons, bones, ligaments, veins, arteries and organs working together in this wonderful harmony of brilliance. It didn't have to learn how to do it, it just does. Such a thought that our body is smarter than us.
I don't care what my science teacher says. That's not a beautiful evolution. That's a beautiful creation.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be - Psalm 139
So just an average, light Monday afternoon.
I really was not too keen on going due to how squirmy I get from a gorey YouTube. However I managed the whole two hours.
The whole experience forces you to face your own mortality. Nothing else quite achieves that then holding a human heart. Knowing that it beat year after year, keeping one person of six billion alive.
Or a brain - this small mushy organ that once held somebody's personality, experience and memories.
All of it, in my hot nervous little hands! It's a rather confronting thought to know we all look the same underneath. Well most of us. Hopefully. Especially when societies all about image and how great and attractive we can present ourselves but I'd argue that the real magic's underneath.
All the cells, tendons, bones, ligaments, veins, arteries and organs working together in this wonderful harmony of brilliance. It didn't have to learn how to do it, it just does. Such a thought that our body is smarter than us.
I don't care what my science teacher says. That's not a beautiful evolution. That's a beautiful creation.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be - Psalm 139
For the past few weeks at Uni we've been studying macro minerals and trace minerals as part of our nutrition subject. One of the trace minerals we covered this week was Fluoride. We probably all associate fluoride with healthy teeth and believe its a highly necessary mineral. Interestingly, fluoride isn't considered an essential trace mineral but rather is of benefit. This video highlights some very valid points. Australia, along with the USA fluoridates its water supply, despite the mineral not even being essential to our health. Over 70% of Australia's water supply is fluoridated. The research doesn't diminish the benefits of fluoride applied topically to teeth but it is increasingly highlighting the potentially serious, adverse effects of internally consuming fluoride- such as in drinking water.
What is also tricky, is that many water filters and purifiers also contain/add fluoride. This was all rather confronting information for me! I don't have any answers but I would rather get amongst this issue then avoid it. Have a watch x
For an overview of the scientific literature on the health effects of fluoride - you can find out more HERE
Vegan, sugar free and dairy free goes indie. If you like fashion and also food then you'll (maybe) like Lookbook Cookbook. It was set up by Jessica Millian who is apparently a rather prominent US fashion photographer. The site is jammed full of sweet treats. Think peanut butter fudge, chocolate almond bark and maple pecan pie. Every recipe is accompanied with a hot chick wearing something cute and posing with the given creation. What more could a hipster ask for.
I stumbled across this last week. Watch it. I instantly could relate to it and Im pretty sure most of us could. Its a strikingly crude reminder of just how crazy our phone obsessions are.
I always find myself default reaching for my phone. So lame. I catch the train every day and Ive started noticing that the first thing people do when they sit down is get out their phone and seemingly immerse themselves in the important business of 'Dont- talk- to- me- I'm- on- my- phone'. There's so many times Matt and I will be dating or watching a movie together but be on our phones at the same time- one stimulation isn't enough anymore! Well, I for one am putting my foot down (as best I can). Phones are great and helpful but I'm not keen to miss out on life and people for the sake of a silly little screen. You only live once, let's not waste it on our bloody phones. x
I love bliss balls, cookie balls, protein balls, whatever you like to call them. They usually take about 5 minutes to make, everything gets chucked in the food processor - roll and refrigerate and eat. So hard to muck up. I normally make weekly batches and take them to uni to keep me from eating the desk during the 3 hour long classes. yes, 3 hours long. I love chocolate bliss balls with dates and coconut oil & nuts but I've recently been enjoying lemon and coconut ones. Lemon + coconut is actually the most tasty flavour combination and a nice change from chocolate. A little less heavy.
+ 1/2 cup shredded coconut
+ 1 cup almond meal
+ 4 tbsp melted coconut oil
+ 3 tbsp rice malt syrup/ honey
+ juice & zest of 1 lemon
+ tsp of vanilla essence (optional)
Chuck everything in the food processor and blend. Adjust to taste- adding more rice malt syrup or honey if desired. Roll into balls. Then roll in shredded coconut or sesame seeds. Pop in fridge to firm up. * I havent tried freezing these balls but they could be delicious enjoyed frozen! :)
Drink with tea or anything that makes you happy x
+ 1/2 cup shredded coconut
+ 1 cup almond meal
+ 4 tbsp melted coconut oil
+ 3 tbsp rice malt syrup/ honey
+ juice & zest of 1 lemon
+ tsp of vanilla essence (optional)
Chuck everything in the food processor and blend. Adjust to taste- adding more rice malt syrup or honey if desired. Roll into balls. Then roll in shredded coconut or sesame seeds. Pop in fridge to firm up. * I havent tried freezing these balls but they could be delicious enjoyed frozen! :)
Drink with tea or anything that makes you happy x
I have always been a big fan of Sukin skincare. They are an Australian based organic, vegan, skincare range. I've used their cleanser and moisturiser for a few years and last week they had a competition on Instagram to win $100 worth of their products from their online store and I was lucky enough to win! I never win anything! I feel like everyone says that but it's true. Last thing I remember winning was a mcdonalds colouring in competition when I was 7- so naturally I was extremely chuffed with this winning prize upgrade.
One of the most wonderful things about Sukin is how affordable their products are. For 100 bucks, I managed to score six products which is nuts. Since skin is the largest organ of the body (everyone forgets that!) it's so important we look after it instead of suffocating it with toxic junk which makes up most commercial skincare..
Sukin stuff all has
- no sulphates
- no proplyene glycol
- no artificial colours
- no parabens
- no artificial fragrances
- no animal derivatives
- no triethanolamine
In other words... just all the good stuff. The stuff a normal human being can read on a label without requiring a chemistry degree to understand it. Think Aloe Leaf juice, Vitamin E, Rosehip oil, Lemon myrtle. Food for your skin. And all for under $20 for nearly all their products- which is pretty unheard of in 'stuff-thats-really-good-for-you' world. A moisturiser will set you back about $8.95. Pennies!
Anyway, my favourite products I've tried so far from this little treasure bundle have been the night moisturiser, rosehip oil and clay face mask. I get hectic dry skin in winter... the adventures that come with having an auto immune condition also mean that any changes in my body always outwork them self onto my skin. Most mornings this winter I've woken up and my skin is so thirsty and dry. The other night I slathered the night moisturiser all over my face, mixed with a few drops of rose hip oil and when I woke up in the morning, I kid you not - skin wasn't dry. First time in a few months, it still felt soft and hydrated after a nights sleep.
Anyway, enough typing. Go and try it. I can proudly say Sukin have successfully roped me in as a ranting, happy fan. To happy healthy skin x
One of the most wonderful things about Sukin is how affordable their products are. For 100 bucks, I managed to score six products which is nuts. Since skin is the largest organ of the body (everyone forgets that!) it's so important we look after it instead of suffocating it with toxic junk which makes up most commercial skincare..
Sukin stuff all has
- no sulphates
- no proplyene glycol
- no artificial colours
- no parabens
- no artificial fragrances
- no animal derivatives
- no triethanolamine
In other words... just all the good stuff. The stuff a normal human being can read on a label without requiring a chemistry degree to understand it. Think Aloe Leaf juice, Vitamin E, Rosehip oil, Lemon myrtle. Food for your skin. And all for under $20 for nearly all their products- which is pretty unheard of in 'stuff-thats-really-good-for-you' world. A moisturiser will set you back about $8.95. Pennies!
Anyway, my favourite products I've tried so far from this little treasure bundle have been the night moisturiser, rosehip oil and clay face mask. I get hectic dry skin in winter... the adventures that come with having an auto immune condition also mean that any changes in my body always outwork them self onto my skin. Most mornings this winter I've woken up and my skin is so thirsty and dry. The other night I slathered the night moisturiser all over my face, mixed with a few drops of rose hip oil and when I woke up in the morning, I kid you not - skin wasn't dry. First time in a few months, it still felt soft and hydrated after a nights sleep.
Anyway, enough typing. Go and try it. I can proudly say Sukin have successfully roped me in as a ranting, happy fan. To happy healthy skin x
All time favourite snack at the moment. Kinda weird for winter but who cares. I kinda invented these the other day hence the very approximate quantities- just go with it.
+ 1 can of coconut milk
+ big handful of mashed frozen raspberries
+ 1/4 cup of honey/maple syrup
+ teaspoon of vanilla essence
+ handful of coconut shreds (optional)
Mix all together in a bowl. Add more honey or stevia to sweeten to taste. Pour into iceblock moulds and pop in freezer to set. Yum.
+ 1 can of coconut milk
+ big handful of mashed frozen raspberries
+ 1/4 cup of honey/maple syrup
+ teaspoon of vanilla essence
+ handful of coconut shreds (optional)
Mix all together in a bowl. Add more honey or stevia to sweeten to taste. Pour into iceblock moulds and pop in freezer to set. Yum.
So for a long while I have wanted to rid my house of hectic chemical cleaning products. I held out from getting rid of the Exit Mould and bleach cos I don't think I actually believed natural household products would cut it. But a few months ago I ran out of Ajax and decided to bite the bullet and oh my goodness was it worth it. I had this yuk brown grime that was accumulating on the bottom of the kitchen sink. Scrubbing it hard with the dish brush didn't get it off, and Ajax hadn't worked either. I'd kinda resigned myself to the fact that maybe it was just a result of an old sink which wasn't getting any newer. Out of slight desperation, I sprinkled a few spoonfuls of baking soda on it, waited about 10 secs, rubbed it with the brush and watched as it magically took all traces of gross grime off!! I actually could not believe my eyes. And that's not even being sarcastic. Then I sprinkled it all over the bath with some vinegar and it worked a charm. Dirty bath ring be gone!
The height of success happened the other night when Matt spilled a whole glass of red wine on our carpet so we sprinkled baking soda and sprayed vinegar on it and left it to dry. After 48hours I vacuumed it up (with apprehension) and the stain was completely gone!
Hope I've convinced you. Non toxic cleaning isn't invasive, it won't kill your lungs, you don't need to wear gloves, it won't kill you or your children if swallowed, you're not harming the environment and it works just as good- if not way better then commercial cleaning products.
*For an all round, all purpose cleaner fill an empty spray bottle about 2/3 of the way with water, mix 4 tablespoons of vinegar and a few tablespoons of lemon. Perfect for most things.
*Baking soda can be used directly (or mixed with water to form a thick paste) on any surface for tougher stains, such as carpets, bath, kitchen sink and ovens.
*I store undiluted white vinegar in a spray bottle as well to spray straight when required.
Can't go wrong with these 3 ingredients! It's cheaper and it's cleaner. Go green x
The height of success happened the other night when Matt spilled a whole glass of red wine on our carpet so we sprinkled baking soda and sprayed vinegar on it and left it to dry. After 48hours I vacuumed it up (with apprehension) and the stain was completely gone!
Hope I've convinced you. Non toxic cleaning isn't invasive, it won't kill your lungs, you don't need to wear gloves, it won't kill you or your children if swallowed, you're not harming the environment and it works just as good- if not way better then commercial cleaning products.
*For an all round, all purpose cleaner fill an empty spray bottle about 2/3 of the way with water, mix 4 tablespoons of vinegar and a few tablespoons of lemon. Perfect for most things.
*Baking soda can be used directly (or mixed with water to form a thick paste) on any surface for tougher stains, such as carpets, bath, kitchen sink and ovens.
*I store undiluted white vinegar in a spray bottle as well to spray straight when required.
Can't go wrong with these 3 ingredients! It's cheaper and it's cleaner. Go green x
Is there really any better combination then peanut butter and chocolate? Nah. Ricotta and honey, tomato and salt and salmon and cream cheese all come pretty damn close for me but I think this one may win out.
I decided to make these last night whilst making dinner and a cheesecake. Our kitchen is spatially challenged at the best of times. By the end of it nearly every dish we owned was being utilised, many balanced precariously on any placement resembling a surface, including the toaster, the lid of the kettle and the floor. Sigh. Never the less, one must persevere and it paid off cos these puppies turned out amazing. Closest version I've made to Reece's peanut butter cups. I will be surprised if you can stop at one.
Makes 6 cups (double recipe for more)
Peanut base:
+ 1/2 cup natural peanut butter i.e no added sugar or salt
+ 1 tbsp natural maple syrup
+ 2 tbsp melted coconut oil
Mix above ingredients together in a bowl and dollop a teaspoon into bottom of paper or silicon lined muffin tins. Place in freezer and make choc topping while base is freezing.
Choc top:
+ 1/4 cup (or little less if u prefer your choc less rich) cacao powder
+ 1 tbsp of natura maple syrup
+ 3 tbsp melted coconut oil
Combine above ingredients together well in a bowl and pour a teaspoon over each peanut base. Pop in freezer to harden up and consume baby!
I decided to make these last night whilst making dinner and a cheesecake. Our kitchen is spatially challenged at the best of times. By the end of it nearly every dish we owned was being utilised, many balanced precariously on any placement resembling a surface, including the toaster, the lid of the kettle and the floor. Sigh. Never the less, one must persevere and it paid off cos these puppies turned out amazing. Closest version I've made to Reece's peanut butter cups. I will be surprised if you can stop at one.
Makes 6 cups (double recipe for more)
Peanut base:
+ 1/2 cup natural peanut butter i.e no added sugar or salt
+ 1 tbsp natural maple syrup
+ 2 tbsp melted coconut oil
Mix above ingredients together in a bowl and dollop a teaspoon into bottom of paper or silicon lined muffin tins. Place in freezer and make choc topping while base is freezing.
Choc top:
+ 1/4 cup (or little less if u prefer your choc less rich) cacao powder
+ 1 tbsp of natura maple syrup
+ 3 tbsp melted coconut oil
Combine above ingredients together well in a bowl and pour a teaspoon over each peanut base. Pop in freezer to harden up and consume baby!
'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead' is a 2010 documentary following the journey of an australian dude- Joe Cross as he sets out to regain his health through a juice fast. He fasts from food for 60 days, consuming only juice - and mainly vegetable based juice at that. He was on medication at the beginning of his fast and managed to come off it during the fast, whilst also losing a total of 45 kilos. Amazing. He also meets the loveliest man (Phil Staples) on the way who is also morbidly obese who asks for Joe's help in regaining back his health and life.
I watched this for the first time last week and was super moved and inspired! I loved watching Joe tackle his health head on and learn about the importance of holistic health and nutrition along the way. Even better was watching Joe help Phil. I'm gonna stop typing cos Im gonna ruin the whole thing. You can watch it at the Youtube link below x
I watched this for the first time last week and was super moved and inspired! I loved watching Joe tackle his health head on and learn about the importance of holistic health and nutrition along the way. Even better was watching Joe help Phil. I'm gonna stop typing cos Im gonna ruin the whole thing. You can watch it at the Youtube link below x
hello. I am currently neck deep in exam prep. Bio chemistry & Human Bio. Two very challenging subjects. In between metabolic processes, I keep finding myself jumping on Pinterest. It's so good for the soul. Sometimes you just need visual inspiration for academic motivation ha. Reading 'Never Give Up' in giant pretty letters strewn across my screen actually makes me consider not giving up - as terribly sad as that may sound. For any other tired eyes- feast your wayward wednesday evening hearts. x
all images via here
Last night I watched a documentary on ABC iview called 'Face Facts: The Truth About Botox'. It was rather shocking in parts. Botox is produced from botulinim toxic. As the name suggests, it's a toxin - more specifically, a bacteria. It works by blocking a neurotransmitter release and causing muscle paralysis. This doco showcased some nasty side effects from Botox. One woman had had it injected into her lips a few years ago, had an immediate reaction and has now lost virtually her entire upper lip. Nice.
So instead, with the use of humble household items, you can nourish your skin, keep your top lip and say no to a frozen face. I can personally vouch for the use of coconut oil. And apple cider vinegar on hair. It works as a conditioner as well but be prepared to smell like vinegar. Matt noticed.
Happy winter skin
today I made this.
When I should have been doing an assignment- a raw cashew cheesecake sounded way more fun. No bake, no sugar, no dairy and no gluten = no guilt. I take no credit for this. This little wonder is from My New Roots. Her site is wonderful and she makes delicious, healthy food and lots of clean recipes.
Raw Cashew Dreamcake:
+ 1/2 cup raw almonds (pecan or walnuts will also work)
+ 1/2 cup soft Medjool dates
+ ¼ tsp. sea salt
+ 1 ½ cups raw cashews, soaked for at least 5 hours, overnight is best
+ juice of 2 lemons
+ the seeds of 1 whole vanilla bean (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)
+ 1/3 cup raw coconut oil, melted
+ 1/3 cup raw honey
+ 1 cup raspberries (thaw completely if using frozen)
1. Place nuts and dates in a food processor with sea salt and pulse to chop until they are to your desired fineness. Test the crust by spooning out a small amount of mixture and rolling it in your hands. If the ingredients hold together, your crust is perfect. Scoop out crust mixture in a 7” spring-form pan (if you don’t have a spring-form pan, use a pie plate lined with baking paper), and press firmly, making sure that the edges are well packed and that the base is even throughout. Rinse food processor well.
2. Warm coconut oil and honey in a small saucepan on low heat until liquid. Whisk to combine.
3. In the most powerful food processor / blender you own place all filling ingredients (except raspberries) and blend on high until very smooth (this make take a couple minutes so be patient).
4. Pour about 2/3 (just eyeball it, you can’t make a mistake!) of the mixture out onto the crust and smooth with a spatula. Add the raspberries to the remaining filling and blend on high until smooth. Pour onto the first layer of filling. Place in freezer until solid.
5. To serve, remove from freezer 30 minutes prior to eating. Run a smooth, sharp knife under hot water and cut into slices. Serve on its own, or with fresh fruit. Store leftovers in the freezer (what leftovers?).
* what I would say about this recipe, is to make sure you only soak your cashews for no more than 6 hours. I left mine soaking overnight and they were slightly on the bitter side so I had to add more sweetener. Otherwise, as Sarah suggests, you could add anything to this recipe. I reckon some cacao would be delicious for the bottom layer with the raspberry topping and it looks so impressive too! Layers just make everything look cooler. I even instagrammed it.
Have a lovely week friends x
When I should have been doing an assignment- a raw cashew cheesecake sounded way more fun. No bake, no sugar, no dairy and no gluten = no guilt. I take no credit for this. This little wonder is from My New Roots. Her site is wonderful and she makes delicious, healthy food and lots of clean recipes.
Raw Cashew Dreamcake:
+ 1/2 cup raw almonds (pecan or walnuts will also work)
+ 1/2 cup soft Medjool dates
+ ¼ tsp. sea salt
+ 1 ½ cups raw cashews, soaked for at least 5 hours, overnight is best
+ juice of 2 lemons
+ the seeds of 1 whole vanilla bean (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)
+ 1/3 cup raw coconut oil, melted
+ 1/3 cup raw honey
+ 1 cup raspberries (thaw completely if using frozen)
1. Place nuts and dates in a food processor with sea salt and pulse to chop until they are to your desired fineness. Test the crust by spooning out a small amount of mixture and rolling it in your hands. If the ingredients hold together, your crust is perfect. Scoop out crust mixture in a 7” spring-form pan (if you don’t have a spring-form pan, use a pie plate lined with baking paper), and press firmly, making sure that the edges are well packed and that the base is even throughout. Rinse food processor well.
2. Warm coconut oil and honey in a small saucepan on low heat until liquid. Whisk to combine.
3. In the most powerful food processor / blender you own place all filling ingredients (except raspberries) and blend on high until very smooth (this make take a couple minutes so be patient).
4. Pour about 2/3 (just eyeball it, you can’t make a mistake!) of the mixture out onto the crust and smooth with a spatula. Add the raspberries to the remaining filling and blend on high until smooth. Pour onto the first layer of filling. Place in freezer until solid.
5. To serve, remove from freezer 30 minutes prior to eating. Run a smooth, sharp knife under hot water and cut into slices. Serve on its own, or with fresh fruit. Store leftovers in the freezer (what leftovers?).
* what I would say about this recipe, is to make sure you only soak your cashews for no more than 6 hours. I left mine soaking overnight and they were slightly on the bitter side so I had to add more sweetener. Otherwise, as Sarah suggests, you could add anything to this recipe. I reckon some cacao would be delicious for the bottom layer with the raspberry topping and it looks so impressive too! Layers just make everything look cooler. I even instagrammed it.
Have a lovely week friends x
YUM. this is one of my favourite snacks slash breakfasts slash can't-be-bothered-making-dinner.
Chia seeds rule. and if you don't eat them, I would recommend starting.
Chia seeds come from the Salvia hispanica L. plant which is a member of the mint family. They are the highest known plant source of Omega-3. Also they have loads of amino acids. There are 22 amino acids and chia seeds contain 18, notably nine of the essentials. ('Essential' means the body cannot produce it, therefore it must be obtained from the diet)
More chia fun facts:
When you mix chia with liquid it swells to 17 times it's size, making it an ideal egg substitute for vegans. It also makes a deeelicious pudding/parfait.. and it takes all of 2 minutes to make.
1 can of coconut milk or 1 cup of almond/rice milk
4 tbsps chia seeds
1/2 cup shredded coconut
big pinch of cinnamon
couple of drops of vanilla essence
couple of tbsps of honey/rice malt syrup
Mix it all together very well in a glass or jar and pop in the fridge overnight (or in my case twenty minutes cos I don't have any patience). and EAT.
This is also delicious with a handful of frozen berries and a big spoonful of natural yogurt. You can pretty much add anything without mucking it up.
Chia seeds rule. and if you don't eat them, I would recommend starting.
Chia seeds come from the Salvia hispanica L. plant which is a member of the mint family. They are the highest known plant source of Omega-3. Also they have loads of amino acids. There are 22 amino acids and chia seeds contain 18, notably nine of the essentials. ('Essential' means the body cannot produce it, therefore it must be obtained from the diet)
More chia fun facts:
- 7 x more Vitamin C than oranges
- 6 x more fibre than oat bran
- 5 x more calcium than milk
- 4 x higher ORAC value than blueberries
- 3 x more iron than spinach
- 2 x more potassium than bananas
When you mix chia with liquid it swells to 17 times it's size, making it an ideal egg substitute for vegans. It also makes a deeelicious pudding/parfait.. and it takes all of 2 minutes to make.
Chia Pudding
1 can of coconut milk or 1 cup of almond/rice milk
4 tbsps chia seeds
1/2 cup shredded coconut
big pinch of cinnamon
couple of drops of vanilla essence
couple of tbsps of honey/rice malt syrup
Mix it all together very well in a glass or jar and pop in the fridge overnight (or in my case twenty minutes cos I don't have any patience). and EAT.
This is also delicious with a handful of frozen berries and a big spoonful of natural yogurt. You can pretty much add anything without mucking it up.
Dove have just released their new 'Real Beauty' sketch and I think this is my favourite one yet. I love this concept and it's so powerful. It's so true that the way we view ourselves is often the most critical. In some ways, I have found that the older I get, the more critical I become of myself. Matt often compliments me on something and I'll snap back trying to diffuse or demean the compliment! So silly what we do but I am working on accepting them.. When I think on all the woman I admire, they all have a comfortable confidence about them and it's so attractive. I hope this campaign challenges us girls, or anyone for that matter, in all the right ways x
hell yes! I stumbled across this in a natural health magazine today. After doing some research found that in 1858 one of the founders of microbiology, Louis Pasteur discovered that garlic could kill bacteria. Science has now proved that one milliliter of garlic juice is just as effective at killing bacteria as 60mg of penicillin. I was so stoked to stumble across this cos I have always been a big fan of eating garlic at any sniff of a cold. I was debating this with a friend the other day - they said that medicine offered more assistance than garlic when a cold hits. But this proves them wrong! Garlic is natures best antibiotic, it will also help regulate your blood sugar levels, blood pressure and promote heart health while it's at it.
In other news, I have decided to direct my little corner to of the internet more towards health and food. Im studying naturopathy at the moment and feel like I am living and breathing it so I want to be able to share it. Even if it is to my gigantic audience of 4 readers. Hi mum.
Words can't quite describe how excited I am for this Sunday and the 2
hour premiere of Mad Men's season 6! Matt and I took to watching the
entire series from the beginning a few months ago to gear up for this new
Hit us with your best shot Matthew Weiner.
Hit us with your best shot Matthew Weiner.
Im not sure where Lissie has been all my life. But she's officially gonna be a part of it now. Flippen incredible voice; so this little collaboration with ellie goulding is a treat to the ears. thank me later
Clean Coconut Oil Chocolate
Must share cos these are amazing!! It's a myth that you can't eat tasty healthy food. I've been making so many sweet things that are yum and fructose free! These particular treats are fructose, dairy and gluten free. Matt looves them and they taste similar to Reece's peanut butter cups which DO NOT contain clean heathy fats ha.
Coconut Oil Chocolates
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup cacao powder
1/2 cup smooth peanut butter (make sure it's sugar free)
1/4 cup raw honey or rice malt syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
Melt coconut oil.
Blend all ingredients together in a food processor or blender.
Pour into paper-lined muffin tin cups or moulds.
Chill for 30 minutes or freeze for 10 minutes. When firm, remove.
Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.
NOTE: there are so many variations you can add to this- omit the peanut butter and add a few drops of peppermint essence or Irish cream or oh my goodness even baileys would be so delicious! Get amongst x
Coconut Oil Chocolates
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup cacao powder
1/2 cup smooth peanut butter (make sure it's sugar free)
1/4 cup raw honey or rice malt syrup
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
Melt coconut oil.
Blend all ingredients together in a food processor or blender.
Pour into paper-lined muffin tin cups or moulds.
Chill for 30 minutes or freeze for 10 minutes. When firm, remove.
Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.
NOTE: there are so many variations you can add to this- omit the peanut butter and add a few drops of peppermint essence or Irish cream or oh my goodness even baileys would be so delicious! Get amongst x
My very dear babe-of-a-friend Cat Vas has just released her debut EP- "Faster". She is one of my favourite people in the world so get on board with the cool kids and go get her album. Only 11 bucks- and you can find it here. Little bits of Lykke Li and dancey pop vibes. Lots of fun.
To convince you it's worth it- here's her music video for 'A Really Good Woman'.
Cat Vas - A Really Good Woman from Brooks Reynolds
To convince you it's worth it- here's her music video for 'A Really Good Woman'.
Cat Vas - A Really Good Woman from Brooks Reynolds
Yo! I've been MIA a little lately. Mostly cos I didn't start this blog to gain a million readers, I just wanted to have my corner of the internet where I could rag on about anything I wanted and if someone found that interesting- that would be a bonus.
So I don't talk about health stuff much but I have a pretty selective diet. As of May last year I have been sugar free. It all started cos my natural health practitioner recommended I come off sugar to help my digestion. It was pretty daunting at the time cos I had already been gluten and (mostly dairyish) free since I was 13. Also, I didnt think I consumed THAT much sugar cos I've always had a more savoury tooth. But alas, in the name of good health, I began my little sugar free adventure.
Pretty much sugar is made up of fructose and glucose. Everyone assumes fructose is the good stuff because it naturally occurs in fruit but unfortunately fructose is the bad guy. It's found in high amounts in the western diet- crackers, sweets, tomato sauce, pasta sauce, canned good etc.
What scientists know about fructose is that the body doesn't use it for energy but converts it into fat pretty much straight away. Fat doesn't make us fat, sugar does. Think about it, everything is '99% fat free' now but society is the fattest its ever been, that's because fat free doesn't mean sugar free! You could put a '100% fat free' label on a 1kg bag of sugar but once into our body, that fructose is being converted to fat. I also learnt that in the 1880's the typical australian would consume aprox 2kg sugar per year. We now consume over 50 kg a year which equates to a kilo a week! As the author of 'Sweet Poison' says 'if you eat what sounds like a healthy breakfast cereal and a glass of orange juice, you’ll consume 440grams of sugar before you even touch a chocolate bar."(David Gillespie)
SO the whole point of this post was that I was kindly given Sarah Wilson's 'I Quit Sugar' cookbook the other day and have been testing out her recipes. I wanted to share with you my favourite one from her book. Its a coconut dream. (by the way coconut oil speeds up your metabolism and is also killer for hair, digestion and memory.)
Sugar Free Raspberry Ripe by Sarah Wilson
* 1/3- 1/2 cup coconut oil
* 1/3 cup organic salted butter
* 2 tbls raw cacao, or cocoa
* 1 tbls rice malt syrup
* 1/3 cup coconut, shredded or flakes (for a chunkier version)
* 1/3 cup of frozen raspberries or any berries
1. Melt the butter and oil in a pan.
2. Stir in the cacao and syrup.
3. Arrange the berries and coconut on a sheet of baking paper on a baking tray or plate (a dinner plate creates a good shape). Pour the coconut oil mixture over the top and pop in the freezer. When firm either break into shards or cut into wedges.
So yum! and totally fructose free. Next time I make it, I'm gonna make it in a smaller baking tray so the slices are thicker.
If you wanna find out more about sugar check out the author of 'Sweet Poison' HERE.
And you can find Sarah Wilson's website HERE with links to her cookbooks too.
happy thursday x
So I don't talk about health stuff much but I have a pretty selective diet. As of May last year I have been sugar free. It all started cos my natural health practitioner recommended I come off sugar to help my digestion. It was pretty daunting at the time cos I had already been gluten and (mostly dairyish) free since I was 13. Also, I didnt think I consumed THAT much sugar cos I've always had a more savoury tooth. But alas, in the name of good health, I began my little sugar free adventure.
Pretty much sugar is made up of fructose and glucose. Everyone assumes fructose is the good stuff because it naturally occurs in fruit but unfortunately fructose is the bad guy. It's found in high amounts in the western diet- crackers, sweets, tomato sauce, pasta sauce, canned good etc.
What scientists know about fructose is that the body doesn't use it for energy but converts it into fat pretty much straight away. Fat doesn't make us fat, sugar does. Think about it, everything is '99% fat free' now but society is the fattest its ever been, that's because fat free doesn't mean sugar free! You could put a '100% fat free' label on a 1kg bag of sugar but once into our body, that fructose is being converted to fat. I also learnt that in the 1880's the typical australian would consume aprox 2kg sugar per year. We now consume over 50 kg a year which equates to a kilo a week! As the author of 'Sweet Poison' says 'if you eat what sounds like a healthy breakfast cereal and a glass of orange juice, you’ll consume 440grams of sugar before you even touch a chocolate bar."(David Gillespie)
SO the whole point of this post was that I was kindly given Sarah Wilson's 'I Quit Sugar' cookbook the other day and have been testing out her recipes. I wanted to share with you my favourite one from her book. Its a coconut dream. (by the way coconut oil speeds up your metabolism and is also killer for hair, digestion and memory.)
Sugar Free Raspberry Ripe by Sarah Wilson
* 1/3- 1/2 cup coconut oil
* 1/3 cup organic salted butter
* 2 tbls raw cacao, or cocoa
* 1 tbls rice malt syrup
* 1/3 cup coconut, shredded or flakes (for a chunkier version)
* 1/3 cup of frozen raspberries or any berries
1. Melt the butter and oil in a pan.
2. Stir in the cacao and syrup.
3. Arrange the berries and coconut on a sheet of baking paper on a baking tray or plate (a dinner plate creates a good shape). Pour the coconut oil mixture over the top and pop in the freezer. When firm either break into shards or cut into wedges.
So yum! and totally fructose free. Next time I make it, I'm gonna make it in a smaller baking tray so the slices are thicker.
If you wanna find out more about sugar check out the author of 'Sweet Poison' HERE.
And you can find Sarah Wilson's website HERE with links to her cookbooks too.
happy thursday x
Matt and I saw this last week and loved it!!! Jennifer Lawrence is quickly becoming one of my favorite actresses and she is only 22 which makes her even more impressive. Such a good script and music and a good dose of real life and romance all mixed together..
I have been missing in action a little bit lately. Alot has already happened in Matt and I's world this year! Two weeks ago I bit the bullet and signed up to the Endeavour college of Natural Health for a Bachelor in Naturopathy. Big deal! I have always had a passion for alternative medicine so this is exciting for me. I have also been drowning in residency paperwork as Im also applying for permanent residency so in a couple of years I can get all the (study) perks that come with citzenship. The australian government certainly doesn't make it easy. They have lovingly jacked up the cost of applying as of January by $1000. So happy new year to me. One must do what one has to do though. and I must do this.
Anyway, this afternoon I stumbled upon this beautiful poem. Made my heart utterly swoon- so pretty. I am currently reading 'The Bronze Horseman' which must be contributing to this endless feeling of romance... enjoy x
Anyway, this afternoon I stumbled upon this beautiful poem. Made my heart utterly swoon- so pretty. I am currently reading 'The Bronze Horseman' which must be contributing to this endless feeling of romance... enjoy x
You are the dew and I am the earth,
who awaits for the morning. You are the wind and I am the tree, where the wind will descend. You are the fire and I am the dry land, that will revive to life. You are the ocean and on its offing I will listen to the song of the ocean. We belong together like the heaven and the earth, we cannot be apart. We belong together like a storm and the night, your wave hitting my shore. We meet in a moment of forever, when we burn blazing. When your memory has dissolved in sand, the undying love will live on. You are the heaven and I am a swallow, who soars to you. You are the wind and I am the tree, where the wind will descend. You are a stream and I am the moon, that reflects on the water. You are a spring and on the verge of it I will bow, thirsty. You are the ocean and on its offing I will listen to the song of the ocean.
-Anna-Mari Kaskinen
Happy New Year!! 2013, holy moly- can't believe it is actually upon us. Matt and I have decided to stay in Sydney- we had been toying with the idea for months of moving our lives over to New Zealand but after much deliberation and prayer we feel like it is the right decision to stay in Sydney so I am excited for new discoveries this year. We have been loving the holidays. Matt surprised me with a mini ipad for christmas. He wins a thousand husband awards cos he gave me so many treats and left the ipad last hiding under the tree. Best surprise ever! I fear any sign of a 2013 social life could be slipping away cos 'flight control rocket' game is waaaayy to addictive. my high score is 200,000.... shame.
Below is some new year inspiration. So many pretty pictures and words that make me want to make this year our best one yet. feast your soul child x
Below is some new year inspiration. So many pretty pictures and words that make me want to make this year our best one yet. feast your soul child x
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