

Today I went to a wet lab. A wet lab is a place where you can examine cadavers. A cadaver is a dead body donated to science typically intended for human dissection. This is was all part of my human biology course.
So just an average, light Monday afternoon.
I really was not too keen on going due to how squirmy I get from a gorey YouTube. However I managed the whole two hours.

The whole experience forces you to face your own mortality. Nothing else quite achieves that then holding a human heart. Knowing that it beat year after year, keeping one person of six billion alive. 

Or a brain - this small mushy organ that once held somebody's personality, experience and memories. 
All of it, in my hot nervous little hands! It's a rather confronting thought to know we all look the same underneath. Well most of us. Hopefully. Especially when societies all about image and how great and attractive we can present ourselves but I'd argue that the real magic's underneath. 
All the cells, tendons, bones, ligaments, veins, arteries and organs working together in this wonderful harmony of brilliance. It didn't have to learn how to do it, it just does. Such a thought that our body is smarter than us.
I don't care what my science teacher says. That's not a beautiful evolution. That's a beautiful creation.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, 
   I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place,
     when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be - Psalm 139



For the past few weeks at Uni we've been studying macro minerals and trace minerals as part of our nutrition subject. One of the trace minerals we covered this week was Fluoride. We probably all associate fluoride with healthy teeth and believe its a highly necessary mineral. Interestingly, fluoride isn't considered an essential trace mineral but rather is of benefit. This video highlights some very valid points. Australia, along with the USA fluoridates its water supply, despite the mineral not even being essential to our health. Over 70% of Australia's water supply is fluoridated. The research doesn't diminish the benefits of fluoride applied topically to teeth but it is increasingly highlighting the potentially serious, adverse effects of internally consuming fluoride- such as in drinking water.
What is also tricky, is that many water filters and purifiers also contain/add fluoride. This was all rather confronting information for me! I don't have any answers but I would rather get amongst this issue then avoid it. Have a watch x

For an overview of the scientific literature on the health effects of fluoride - you can find out more HERE