

So for a long while I have wanted to rid my house of hectic chemical cleaning products. I held out from getting rid of the Exit Mould and bleach cos I don't think I actually believed natural household products would cut it. But a few months ago I ran out of Ajax and decided to bite the bullet and oh my goodness was it worth it. I had this yuk brown grime that was accumulating on the bottom of the kitchen sink. Scrubbing it hard with the  dish brush didn't get it off, and Ajax hadn't worked either. I'd kinda resigned myself to the fact that maybe it was just a result of an old sink which wasn't getting any newer. Out of slight desperation, I sprinkled a few spoonfuls of baking soda on it, waited about 10 secs, rubbed it with the brush and watched as it magically took all traces of gross grime off!! I actually could not believe my eyes. And that's not even being sarcastic. Then I sprinkled it all over the bath with some vinegar and it worked a charm. Dirty bath ring be gone!

The height of success happened the other night when Matt spilled a whole glass of red wine on our carpet so we sprinkled baking soda and sprayed vinegar on it and left it to dry. After 48hours I vacuumed it up (with apprehension) and the stain was completely gone!

Hope I've convinced you. Non toxic cleaning isn't invasive, it won't kill your lungs, you don't need to wear gloves, it won't kill you or your children if swallowed, you're not harming the environment and it works just as good- if not way better then commercial cleaning products.

DIY natural cleaning products

*For an all round, all purpose cleaner fill an empty spray bottle about 2/3 of the way with water, mix 4 tablespoons of vinegar and a few tablespoons of lemon. Perfect for most things.

*Baking soda can be used directly (or mixed with water to form a thick paste) on any surface for tougher stains, such as carpets, bath, kitchen sink and ovens.

*I store undiluted white vinegar in a spray bottle as well to spray straight when required.

Can't go wrong with these 3 ingredients! It's cheaper and it's cleaner. Go green x

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