

So if this isn't worthy of a blog post, I don't know what is. 
Yesterday evening, 30 Jan at aprox 7.30pm, I saw Leonardo Dicaprio! 

this is the story.

I was walking out of church, which happens to be at the Dunkirk Pub in Pyrmont and I looked up and saw a big black car parked in front of the traffic lights. I glanced into the passenger seat and caught the eye of a male in the front...he was wearing a baseball cap and was kinda slouched over in his seat. I turned to catch up with Matt who was a metre in front of me (who had just seen Leo too) and Matt whispered to me 'That's Leonardo Dicaprio in the front seat'. And I realised it was! Feeling like I was about to lose control, I ran back into the pub to catch a sneaky look through the window and realised, that indeed, I had just locked eyes with the highest paid actor in the world. 
Upon reflection, I never thought I would be one of those out of control screaming girls, but apparently I am. I even squealed to the sport watching, chip eating man beside the pub window that Leo was outside. I am slightly ashamed to admit I have been replaying the scene in my head all day. You have to understand, I am from New Zealand and no one famous lives there and I never thought I would see such a famous person ever- let alone, he would see ME!!  he even told Matt not to make a big deal of it with his eyes. That's pretty much a conversation right?
So in celebration last night of the epic sighting, I reenacted Leo over burritos to some envious friends and we watched Gangs of New York. Just to cement the dream. x


  1. Oh jealous!!

    Luc X


  2. LOL i would react in the same way

  3. WOW... GORGEOUS shots of him! I grew up watching him on TV and in the movies and remember him from all the teen mags, etc. etc. And I just knew, just knew, that he would make it big and become very successful. I could see the talent early on. Congrats Leo! Keep it up!
